We Support
We will listen to you and support you without judgement. Take that first step.

Free & Confidential Support Service
Westmeath Support Service Against Domestic Abuse are a dedicated voluntary service, funded by TUSLA, Department of Justice, Department of Rural and Community Development, Westmeath LCDC and Westmeath County Council to support people experiencing violence and abuse at the hands of an intimate partner or someone known to them. We are dedicated to raising awareness of domestic abuse and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.
In our 20-year history, Westmeath Support Service against Domestic Abuse has supported over 5000 women and their families to overcome violence and abuse by an intimate partner and lead lives of their choosing.
How We Can Support You
Telephone Support
Trained personnel offer accurate, confidential information and support,
Legal Advocacy
We will support you to ensure that your time with your Solicitor is beneficial, productive and informative.
Moments of Truth
People who live in abusive relationships make decisions to change their circumstances for many different reasons. Here are some experiences of people we have supported.

“My Moment of truth came when I saw the frightened and confused faces of our children as their Dad slapped and punched me, but my pain was deeper for them having to witness this. I knew at that moment I had to do something.”

“My moment of truth came when I saw my two children hiding under the table during an “argument” with their father. I remember seeing four little frightened eyes peering out and in that moment, I realised that this wasn’t just about me, it was damaging our children as well.”

“My moment of truth came when my 13 yr old son called me the same names as his Dad did. I had been diagnosed with a mental health issue and my husband used this to put me down and make me feel ashamed. When I experienced my son having so little regard for me, I knew I had to do something positive for both of us.”